The Giant Blast Promotional Service

The Basic E-Mail Blast Service (for Artists, Labels, and Producers)
Our e-mail blast has 11,900 + e-mail subscribers and 1/3 of those e-mail accounts are actually other e-mail blast systems themselves so over 100,000 + people receive our e-mail blast weekly. We send out an e-mail once a week. For only $29.99 we will advertise your song or project (along with any edited versions, special mixes, instrumental or b-sides to the single), along with a photo and link to your music for 5 weeks. Also during the 5 weeks of e-mail blasts you will be featured in the artist spotlight section of The Blast Blog ( along with an interview and/or write up promoting the music.
Full Internet Marketing and Promotion Package (for Artists, Labels and Producers)
Need something a little stronger than just an e-mail blast? We also have a full promo service for 5 weeks as well.
This is a list of tasks we will perform for you during the Full Internet Marketing and Promotion Package.
* Advertise your music in the weekly e-mail blast.
* Create and maintain a blog or webpage that documents what we are doing to break and advertise the artists’ music along with news, and to inform fans of the artists’ products, merchandise, show dates, etc.
* Provide an online street team for the artist during the 5 weeks. The street team consists of a few dedicated Giant Blast E-mail followers that don’t mind lending a helping hand by retweeting, blogging or making Facebook wall posts and status updates about the artists music to generate more buzz online.
* Promote and create awareness for the artists music through social networking sites such as Twitter, Moco and Facebook.
* Consult with the artist to come up with new solutions, and to discuss more effective ways to further expand the artists buzz and strengthen the brand.
* Getting individual DJs that are members of The Giant Blast e-mail list to support the record by spinning it on their podcasts, online radio shows, mixtapes, and/or other outlets controlled by DJs.
* Create more publicity for the artist by getting the artist’s music reviewed, and the artist interviewed in more online publications, online magazines and blogs.
* Get our network of bloggers to write about the artist and feature the music in their blogs.
* Come up with new and more unconventional ways to strengthen the artists Internet presence.
This package is $100 for the full 5 weeks. (that’s only $20 a week!) If you need the campaign to run longer than the 5 weeks that’s fine too, just add on $20 for every additional week you may need just as long as the minimum is $100.00
* If you need something a little “custom made” to accommodate your specific needs to promote the record, we may be able to negotiate something a little different, for a budget that better suits the situation.
Here is a list of artists that have been featured in our e-mail blast, and that we’ve worked with to promote various projects and singles in the past.
If you have more questions, or if you provide a service or own a business and would like to advertise in our e-mail blast database just e-mail us at

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